SEO / Search Engine Optimization Services

SEO Pricing & Service Details

SEO Pricing & Service Details

Our SEO service plans are reasonably priced and custom services and price quotes are always available to suit any budget requirements.

For more information, check out our recommended packages for pricing and service details.

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Don't Believe the Hype - Watch Out for SEO Snake Oil

There are a lot of obsolete techniques still being offered (and charged for) out there, like search engine submissions and meta-keyword optimization.

These things haven't been necessary in more than a decade and were never that effective in the first place. Unscrupulous services will still quite happily charge you for them, but they do no good and have the potential to do damage if they're over-used.

Don't be fooled by the scammers and nickel-and-dimers out there who will charge you for whatever they can - get professional SEO experts working for you.

Search Engine Optimization, Done Right

Search Engine Optimization or SEO as a web marketing strategy aims to get your website ranked at the top of search engines so that your clients will find you before they find your competitors.

To be most successful, SEO requires ongoing work, analysis and refinement of strategy to ensure that your site achieves and maintains the best search engine rankings possible.

SEO consists of two different but interdependent components; on-page optimization and off-page promotion. The combined effect of these strategies is to make the relevance and authority of your site clear to search engines and your clients.

On-Page Optimization

Search engines use a complex and ever-evolving algorithm to determine the relevancy and value of your website for a given search query.

Your site is ranked partially based upon the relevancy and clarity of the content that search engines find, so it's important that your mission-critical keywords and phrases are included in the various page elements that make up your site. This must however be done very strategically and judiciously to avoid "stuffing" the site with keywords. Over-optimization will hurt your site's rankings, and it looks bad to visitors too.

Keyword utilization is only part of the on-page optimization story. There are a vast number of other considerations as well, including site structure and architecture, and there are also technical issues which can negatively impact your site's performance on search engines.

Off-Page Promotion

Although proper on-page optimization provides search engines with indications of your site's relevancy, it's also vital to establish strong signals of authority throughout the web. This is off-page promotion.

In its most basic form, off-page SEO is often referred to as "backlinking" or "link-building". Links to your site from other sites on the web are regarded by search engines as "votes", and each such link can help boost your site's rankings. However, some common link-building techniques are out-dated, ineffective and, in worst-case scenarios if done incorrectly or excessively, can be extremely harmful to your site's performance on search engines.

Done right, off-page promotion will benefit your site's rankings on search engines but, if it truly is done properly, it will offer far more than only that. Correct off-page should be strategic and targeted to suit your website's specific advantages and opportunities and become a marketing vector in its own right, not something done solely to artificially boost your site's rankings on search engines.

SEO - Our Specialty Since 1998

SEO is not rocket science or brain surgery, but it is rather like website surgery and done properly it will launch your website to the top of search engine rankings.

We are SEO specialists and have been providing expert SEO and website marketing services since 1998. Every website presents unique challenges and opportunities and every site's SEO strategy should be unique as well. We've worked with hundreds of sites, always adhering to the highest best-practice standards and always staying ahead of the curve. We know what it takes to get your site into the game and keep it there.

SEO Service Pricing & Custom Service Quotes


Our team is entirely focused on service and we do not employ a sales force. This efficiency translates into reasonable pricing, lower than any of our competition.

  • Reasonable pricing to suit any budget.
  • Practical website marketing packages.
  • Custom price quotes and packages.

Our services are scalable and we offer custom quotes to accommodate any budget, large or small. Whether you are a branded multi-national, or a weekend entrepreneur, we can help your website achieve its potential.

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Request a Free Consultation

To help us better understand your search engine optimization and other web marketing requirements, contact us for a free, no-obligation consultation. We'll get to know your business and help you decide on the best strategy to achieve your objectives. Let's talk about your website!

Services Related to Search Engine Optimization

Website Traffic Analysis & Strategy

Website Traffic Analysis

Without in-depth, accurate insight into whats happening with your web marketing strategy, your campaign is flying blind and its impossible to make the hard, data-driven decisions necessary for positive growth.

  • Website visitor traffic and user behaviour analysis and reporting.
  • Conversion rate optimization to increase sales, leads and sign-ups from your website visitors.
  • Clear, detailed reporting on campaign progress, performance and recommendations to refine and expand your web marketing strategy.

Our web marketing consultation service will give you all of the strategic insight you'll need for your campaign to perform optimally.

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SEO Friendly Website Design & Redesign

Website Design & Redesign

Choosing a professional web designer to create your new site can be a huge challenge, especially when you need quality work delivered on a reasonable budget.

  • Custom, SEO friendly websites designed to get found and represent your business professionally.
  • Clear, attractive and user-friendly design to improve engagement and increase visitor response for more leads, sales and sign-ups.
  • Free design mockups and revisions from your feedback.

You'll get a website that not only looks great, but will also get the response you're looking for from visitors. You'll get the site you need and it'll look the way you want, on time and on budget.

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Conversion Rate Optimization

Conversion Rate Optimization

Improve how visitors navigate and interact with your website to make it easier and more inviting for people to contact you and purchase your product or service.

  • Increase sales, leads and sign-ups from your website visitors.
  • Resolve obstacles to conversion and improve website usability.
  • Split testing to compare response to new design features and concepts.

We've all been to websites that are a nightmare to use and navigate. It doesn't take long to give up on a site and look for a better one. We don't want this to be your website.

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...I had a simple requirement but a tough market. I had to be in the top five listings on Google. DIRECT HITS thoroughly analyzed my site, performed their magic, and I'm there! Thanks guys!"

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